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Wildflower Honey – 1000 grams


Wildflower honey is a product made from nectar extracted by bees from various wildflowers.

 – Colour: This honey has a reddish tint

 – Taste and aroma: a subtle and sweet taste, but with bitter tints

 – Crystallization: as this is a raw, unprocessed product it will eventually crystalize

 – Medical properties: It is a good source of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and organic acids, making this healthy product indispensable in any home. Moreover, it is recommended as a natural substitute for sugar. This honey has a lot of therapeutic properties, among which we can emphasize the ability of honey to prevent anemia and overcome the effects of mental and mental exhaustion. In addition, it helps digestion and prevents colds with its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

 – Storage: Store in dry, clean rooms at a temperature between 10-30 gr. C

The product is 100% natural and it is normal for natural honey to crystalize. That is proof of good quality honey.

927 in stock



Wildlower honey is a product from the nectar of the flowers of plants. Bee foragers  fly from flower to flower, and a suck with a proboscis from the bottom of flower corolla small amounts of nectar. In their honey goiter the nectar is mixed with acids and enzymes, and then deposited in the cells of wax combs. Nectar – a sweet and aromatic juice from nectaries of flowers. Nectaries are a group of specialized cells. Nectar contains 50-75% of water, 20-24% of sugars, 13-24%: cane sugar, minerals, proteins, essential oils, carotene, vitamins, etc.

The consistency of fresh wildflower honey is a thick transparent pap, began with the passage of time to gradually crystallize and harden. When you take the honey with a spoon and twirl it, then immature honey drips from it. Fermented honey wounds on a spoon, stratifying folds, like a ribbon and flows as an interruptible thread from it. Pure honey remains liquid for as long as it is sealed in the cells of the honeycomb, located in the hive at 20-30 C (68-86 F). The consistency of honey, containing more than 30% of the water is unnaturally runny. This honey is obtained by pumping with the centrifuge from unsealed combs (not mature honey) in wet years. Sour or fake honey is liquid too, more than normal.

The usual honey contains less water – 14 to 15%. The consistency of honey is influenced by not only the concentration of sugars, but also their type. Honey, containing more fructose , is thinner than honey, which has more glucose and other highest sugars. Honeydew honey is more dense because it contains more sucrose and vegetable glues. A special characteristic of honey faked by inverted sugar and the honeydew – non-splittable thin filaments. This is a distinguishing feature of honeydew is very important, because the natural wildflower honey has stretching filaments, which break.Air and containing gases also affect the density of honey. Honey retains liquid consistency for a certain time, and then crystallizes. Concentration of sugars, their form and structure are the main factors influencing the crystallization of honey.  Glucose and sucrose Crystallize, but fructose remains in a liquid state. The more honey contains fructose, the longer it remains liquid. Crystallization of honey slows when it increases the percentage of dextrin, protein and vegetable glues in its composition.  Percentage of impurities (mainly minerals) also has an impact on the speed of crystallization.


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